Year 3 Step Back to the Stone Age

On Monday 16th September, Year 3 got immersed in their learning and enjoyed a 'Stone Age Day'.  Children were able to come to school dressed as people from the Stone Age and they took part in a range of activities to find out about life during that time. 

Children created pieces of cave art using pastels and charcoal, made ‘bone’ necklaces from salt dough, built Palaeolithic shelters and took part in some drama role-play based on the text ‘Stone Age Boy.’

Stone Age Day was a huge success and really helped bring learning to life. The children enjoyed their day and all the different activities they took part in. 

What the children had to say:

“I liked making the shelters because it was fun and mine ended up quite good.” Finley

“I liked building the shelters too. We were working well together.” Emily

“I really liked drawing animals and using pastels.” Chester

“I know that Stone Age people used to make fires and hunt animals.” Sophia

“I liked the drama because you could pretend to be hunter-gatherers and make the stew.” Lillie
