Farewell Year 6!

….and so comes the end of term, which means a sad farewell to our year 6 children. The annual leavers’ service took place on Monday 22nd July which is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements, successes and personal growth of all the year 6 children. As the hall filled up, the screen displayed photos from the children’s journey at Bluecoat. Giggles were heard as children recognised themselves from years gone by. The service started in style with a performance from the children of ‘When I Grow Up’ and ‘Revolting Children’ from Matilda. The proceedings included songs, a bible reading and children recalling their memories all the way through from Nursery to Year 6.  Each child was awarded a Headteacher’s Award, presented by Ms Fleming and Mr Newall, recognising their individual achievements and then followed the presentation on the special Year 6 Awards. It was noted that the decision of who should receive the awards was particularly tough this year, with so many of the children worthy winners. However, the awards were presented as follows:
Denys Yonge Award for Achievement – Lakota
Dave Hickman Award for Sport – Chloe M.
Pointon Award for Humanities – Aidan
Maud Hodge Award for Citizenship – Frankie & Caitlyn
Spirit of Devon for Engagement in Learning – Macie & Natasha
Bluecoat Award for Excellence – Rowan & Josie
Congratulations to them all, and indeed to each and every child in year 6. We wish you well for your transition to secondary school.
(NB. Individual photos of children receiving their Headteacher Award are available on request, however are not published here as full names are identifiable on many of the certificates in the photos)
