Year 3 Visit to Exeter Cathedral and Mosque

Over the past two terms children in Year 3 have been studying Christianity and Islam.  They have looked at each religion to gain a deeper understanding of the faith and the people that follow these religions. 

The children have been incredibly inquisitive and have not only researched and studied each religion but have held discussions, asked questions and have enhanced their 'Cultural Capital' to develop an understanding and appreciation of each faith. 

To bring the learning experience to life, on Thursday 13th February the children went on a visit to Exeter where they visited the mosque and cathedral. The visit to the city alone was a fantastic opportunity to enhance their understanding of the wider world but to visit the two different places of worship truly brought their learning to life.  It allowed them to look at similarities and differences between the different religions, which enhanced their understanding, questioning, curiosity and appreciation for others and faith.

What the children had to say:

"The mosque was calm."
"The mosque was plain but it allowed me to think and not get distracted."
"At the mosque I got to see where they carried out wudu and liked how they washed and cleaned to get rid of the things on the day, so you can start fresh."
"The mosque had a homely feel."

"The cathedral had lovely angels and images all around."
"The cathedral was amazing!  It was so big and was very old."
"I liked the cathedral because it had so much history."
"The cathedral felt like a place where many people can come to and pray."

If anyone is interested in finding out more about Exeter Mosque, they are holding an open day on 28th March 2020. See details below.
