Chapter 3 - Intra-House Cross Country

Pupils in Chapter 3 competed in the annual Intra-House Cross Country event. Under normal circumstances, the event would take place at Torrington Rugby Club, but as this was not possible on this occasion the teams managed within the school grounds.

Everyone was in good spirits and so determined to contribute to the best of their abilities with their house laps (tallies). Although some tallies looked higher, some house groups did have more pupils entered and so, in the interests of fairness, an average was taken for each house.

In the end the scores were as follows:

1st place:     Tamar (302 laps with 41 entrants) 7.4 lap average

2nd place:    Tavy (385 laps with 53 entrants) 7.3 lap average

Joint 3rd:     Torridge (263 laps with 37 entrants) 7.1 lap average

                    Taw (363 laps with 51 entrants) 7.1 average

Mrs Gibbons commented: "Congratulations to all of you who have worked so hard at improving your stamina over these brisk afternoons. Each and everyone of you has improved with your personal goals - so should be very proud."

A big shout out goes to Tamar house, who won the event overall.
