On Thursday 22nd October, Year 4 enjoyed a Roman Day to celebrate their half term of learning. They dressed up in Roman costumes and decorated a shield to use to re-enact some of the main battles between the Romans and the Celts. They also designed and made symmetrical mosaic patterns using beans. They found it a great way to apply their learning about the Romans, and really enjoyable, as you can see from the photos!
A big thank you to parents and carers for providing the costumes, everyone looked fabulous!
“I’ve learnt about Roman numerals: M is 1000, D is 500 and C is 100.” Megan 4CD
“On Roman day, I learned that the Tostado was a Roman fighting position.” Howi 4CD
“I enjoyed dressing up as a Roman.” Maggie 4CD
“I enjoyed our pretend fighting!” Troy 4CD
“I really liked making my shield.” Madison 4CD
“On Roman day, I enjoyed finding new ways to put the beans on the mosaics.” Harry 4CD
“I enjoyed it when we got to battle and took turns to be Romans or Celts.” Freddie 4CD
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