Harvest Learning in Class RH

Class RH have really enjoyed learning about Harvest Time on the farm.  They have watched a video from Farmer Harris showing the process from ploughing the fields until the silage is put in the pit or made into bales.  They have learnt about combine harvesters and explored lots of different produce from the farm.  They have printed with tyres, sieved wheat seeds out of the flour, ground wheat into flour, made apple tarts and bread.  They have also learnt the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ by heart and many songs for their Harvest Festival which was held in class.  The apple tarts and bread were much enjoyed at the Harvest Tea.

They have also learnt about the Jewish festival of Sukkot and worked together in teams to build their own Sukkah.  This was great fun.  They then decorated it with paper chains, stars and printed oranges and lemons.
