Appledore Book Festival - Competition Winner!

 Last year, so many events were cancelled due to the COVID pandemic but some organisers got creative and found other ways of allowing their events to go ahead.

The Appledore Book Festival was one such event, holding for the first time a DRIVE-IN book festival! In fact it was the UK’s first ever drive-in book festival and it succeeded against all the odds by creating social bubbles and a COVID-safe environment for its festival goers. 

In addition to the festival events, they once again launched their school competition, this time with the theme 'GET CREATIVE' and the Key Stage One winner was one of our own Bluecoat pupils! 

Competition entries in the KS1 category had to be a creative response to a story or poem. The winner, Jaxon, aged 5 (pictured below), put one of his favourite books 'Oi Frog' into an illustration. It obviously captured the judge's imagination as he won first prize and a £25 book token. In addition, the school library was also awarded a £25 book token which was gratefully received by Librarian, Tina Palmer. 

Well done Jaxon, and a big thank you to Appledore Book Festival!
