Global Week Sees Year 4 'Zoom' to Austria!

As part of our commitment to the curriculum key driver "Being Part of a Global Community', Year 4 are linked with a school in Austria, and earlier this year the children received a letter from the pupils at Meissnergasse School in Vienna. During ‘lockdown’ they learned about letter writing and all wrote letters back. 

The pupils in Vienna were due to come and visit us in Torrington this summer, but have been unable to do so due to the Coronavirus pandemic. 

As part of Global week, Year 4 arranged a Zoom call with them. It was great for the children to put a face to their penpal name and see who they have been writing to, as well as being a fantastic opportunity to ask and answer questions about each other’s locality.

Children at Bluecoat couldn’t believe the pupils in Vienna only go to school in the morning, and were quite envious of their proximity to Prater, a huge theme park in Vienna. Year 4 enjoyed telling them about their own school day and answering their questions about life in Torrington. 

What the children had to say:

“I liked being able to see my Austrian penpal and being able to tell them what it's like in England.” - Harry B 4CD  

“I got to see my Austrian penpal and tell them about our school day.” - Evie 4CD

“It was cool to see them and learn about things to do in Vienna.” - Esme 4JD

“I enjoyed learning about Gustav Klimt (the Austrian artist) and being able to draw my own tree of life in oil pastel.” - Ayla 4H 

“I enjoyed learning the game ‘Snap ball’ in PE which is the Austrian equivalent of dodge ball.  I also liked meeting our Austrian penpals.” - Ted 4H 
