Drama in the Woods

This half term, the Year 3 pupils at Torrington Bluecoat Primary School have been thoroughly enjoying taking part in Drama Workshops organised by the Plough’s Youth Theatre outreach team. 

Starting their foray in to drama at school, the pupils worked hard to put together a performance based on the story of “The Giving Tree.” After some refining and polishing, their final performance was held next to the “Bluecoat Triangle” of trees in Jubilee Woods. What a perfect setting for a wonderful performance! The children shone and were excellent representatives of the school.

Jubilee Woods made a great location thanks to the hard work on volunteer Alan Williams. The Plough and Bluecoat School have been working in conjunction with the Town Council but couldn't have created such a beautiful space without Alan's dedication. Alan was also on hand to help pupils plant trees and wildflowers, so that the site will be somewhere pupils can continue to visit and see how it blossoms and changes over the coming years. 

The children and staff would also like to thank Sophie Hatch, who worked hard to create their performance, and the year 3 parents, who came out to support their children. A wonderful time was had by all involved!
