Thor's Day Thursday for Year 5

 As part of their Vikings topic in Year 5, they celebrated “Thor’s Day Thursday” during the Autumn term. 

They were visited by the Viking Ragnar, who helped them learn lots of interesting facts about life in England when the Vikings ruled, and they enjoyed handling Viking weapons and trying on helmets. They also re-enacted a ship burial of an important Viking king. 

They learned how Runes were used to communicate in writing, and took part in a treasure hunt which helped them find out about the importance of Appledore in an historic Viking battle. They also found out about the type of jewellery Viking men and women would have worn, and had a go at using their own creative skills to make their own Viking style brooches.  

A huge thank you to the families who supported the children in organising their costumes; as you can see from the photos, they all looked fabulous!

What the children had to say....

“I thought it was cool holding the Viking weapons.” Connor 5D

“I liked making Viking jewellery.” Howi 5D

“I enjoyed hunting for all the clues.” Harry 5D

“I liked the Viking quest and figuring out the answer - that King Hubba landed in Appledore.” Megan 5D

“I really liked dressing up as a Viking for the day.” Maggie 5D
