Bluecoat Group go for a Dip

The Bluecoat Group enjoyed a fascinating visit to the Torrington Commons recently to explore small river and pond habitats. They walked along Barmaid's Walk before descending to the small river bank to undertake a pond dipping habitat survey.  They soon discovered that the ponds are teaming with a large variety of weird and wonderful looking small freshwater species that often go unnoticed.

They discovered and recorded a number of different invertebrates including, Freshwater Shrimps, Cased Caddsfly Larva, Leeches, Water Boatmen, Mayfly Nymph's, Caseless Caddisfly Larva, Water Louse, Alderfly Larva and Pond Snails.

A great reminder that we don't have to look far to find fascinating nature and animals right under our noses!
