On Tuesday 8th November 2022, both our Year 4 classes were visited by Ravindra Nathwani. Ravi came to share with the children his knowledge and experience of being a Hindu as Year 4 are learning about Hinduism this half term. Ravi informed us that Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion, founded 7000 years ago in North West India. He reminded us our new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is a Hindu!
We learnt and discussed many more interesting facts including:
'Nameste’ is a Hindu greeting which means, ‘I bow to you as I see God in you.’
We were able to try chanting ‘om’ three times as Hindu’s believe this sound vibration is how Brahma created the world - like the big bang! Ravi also suggested that chanting ‘om’ quietly is a good way of calming yourself down if upset.
Ravi also invited us to chant the Gayatri Mantra, the central Hindu prayer, which we first said in Sanskrit and then in English. We were already aware of the story of Rama and Sita, but Ravi told us of the ‘Navratri,' the nine nights of worship to the Mother Goddess during the war with the Demon King. During ‘Navratri’ the men would clap and dance - which we all had a go at with Ravi.
Other things we learnt included stories about the different Gods such as Ganesha, the many celebratory festivals like the Holi Festival and lastly about Hindu’s daily life and prayer.
Thank you to Ravi for giving us such a wonderful insight into Hinduism.
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