Year 2 Visit to Dunster Castle

Report by Isabella and Paisley, Class 2M

On Tuesday 28th April, Year 2 went on a trip to Dunster Castle.We went on a blue coach and it took us over an hour to get there. When we arrived,  Year 2 were so excited. We got out of the coach and started to walk up a muddy, slippery hill. We also went through a squelchy, muddy gate, then at the top of the hill we saw Dunster Castle. What an amazing castle it is! 

We explored the inside and outside of the castle. We got to see the dungeons, it was dark and scary in there! Later on, we explored all the rooms of the castle and learned what life would have been like in the medieval times. We think it would have been very smelly. People ate lots of different strange foods like peacocks, cows tongue and rabbits. We are glad that we don’t have to eat that anymore. 

We had a great time there and we recommend it for you to visit with your friends and family. 
