On Friday 16th June, Tommy and Reuben from Year 6 and Ishara from Year 5 were involved in a graffiti project facilitated by Torri Youth. The project focussed on creativity, community, respecting others’ work, rights and responsibilities with an awareness of what is and isn’t appropriate in graffitti art, and inclusion. Torri Youth create Youthwork opportunities for young people aged 10 to 17 to voluntarily choose to   engage with staff. They are a non-religious group based at The Methodist church hall and have outreach workers running detached projects.   

In total, 18 young people from various schools, had the chance to design and create a piece of graffiti artwork on a board to take home. Graffiti has always been a popular activity, that young people enjoy and Torri Youth have worked with Callum from Grafftek_murals  on various workshops. Tommy, pictured below with his artwork entitled “Blue”, said “I really enjoyed the spray painting because you can use different techniques to make the piece look different”.

The legal graffiti wall in Calf street Park, was created several years ago in collaboration with Devon & Cornwall Police and Devon Youth Service. The aim was to give young people a space to use, and reduce the amount of unsupervised and illegal Graffiti tags that were appearing in and around Torrington at that time. Torri Youth also ran a graffiti clean up campaign in collaboration with the PCSOs at the time. It's important that young people are aware that the  wall, belongs to them for this reason as, although the other graffiti is amazing, it's done by adults and the skatepark piece is specifically for young people. 

Thank you to Paula at Torri Youth for this opportunity. The children really enjoyed the experience.
