Year 3 Step Back in Time to the Stone Age

On Tuesday 12th September, pupils in Year 3 enjoyed stepping back in time during their ‘Stone Age Day’. They were invited to come into school dressed as people from the Stone Age and took part in a range of activities to find out about life during that time. 

The activities included creating pieces of cave art, ‘bone’ jewellery making, building shelters out of natural materials and some drama where they reenacted being hunter-gatherers and other parts of everyday life in a Stone Age camp.

Stone Age day was a huge success. The children enjoyed their day and all the different activities they were able to take part in.

What the children had to say:

‘It was really fun because we made necklaces' - Millie

‘I liked our Stone Age day because we did a lot of art. The cave paintings told us how they used to live' - Josh

‘I liked our Stone Age day because we had lots of fun. I really liked building the huts' - Edward
