Dig the Castle Event

Last week on 4th and 5th October, sixty pupils from across the school were invited to be part of the Dig the Castle event taking place on Castle Hill, Torrington. This exciting archeological dig has been years in the planning and is the vision of local historian and archeologist Emily Wapshott, supported by a team of local volunteers keen to learn more about this important Norman site.

This unique experience provided pupils with the opportunity to work alongside historians to wash finds straight out of the trenches as they experienced first hand exactly how finds are examined, cleaned and catalogued before making their way into the museum.

This wonderful Time Team opportunity offered our pupils the chance to play their part in uncovering the castle's rich history. With lots of mud under their fingernails and excited exclamations as they cleaned and examined a range of finds including glass bottles, floor tiles, pottery, pins and nails to name a few, the pupils were enthralled by what they were uncovering.

A great opportunity to be part of this amazing community project!
