Senior Citizens' Christmas Lunch

A particular highlight in the school calendar is the Senior Citizens' Christmas Lunch which took place on Wednesday 6th December. We were delighted to invite the elder members of the community into school for a traditional turkey dinner followed by delicious Christmas pud. Pupil Councillors made lovely table decorations with support from Mrs Blease and some of our Year 6 children served the lunches. The guests were then treated to a festive programme of entertainment from children across the school concluding with a rousing rendition of ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas!’ which everyone sang along to. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the Torrington Cavaliers for their financial donation which helps make the event happen, to the Torrington Rotary Club for providing transport for some of the guests and to Xanadu and Savona for donating some of the food for the lunch.

