Rivers and Mountains Inspire Creativity in Year 4

During the last week of the Spring term, the children who did not attend the St George’s House residential spent their four days in school off normal curriculum. As with the children on residential, they also took the river and mountains theme for inspiration but used more creative subject areas. 

They used creative dance to use their bodies in different ways (looking at flexibility, strength, control and balance), in isolation and collaboratively, to create river sequences to music. The first video below shows the children working together to flow up to and then break through dams along a river. 

The second video shows the salmon run- salmon leaping upstream!

In Art and Design, the children created a 3D river model putting their geography knowledge to the test to ensure thy were able to create and then label the different areas of a river from source to sea.

They spent time learning about ‘landscape’ and how to use a viewfinder. They also explored and discussed a well known artist’s work. Following this, they went on to create pencil, charcoal, watercolour and/or oil sketches and paintings of mountains, looking at how to use tone and colour in the foreground, midground, background of a landscape to give the effect of three dimensions.

All the children embraced both the dance and art work, with some trepidation at first, but by the end of the four days it was incredible to see how they increased in confidence and their ability to self and peer evaluate the work they had been doing. 
