Year 4 Residential to St. George's House

From the 25th to the 28th March 2024, thirty pupils from Year 4 visited St. George’s House in Georgeham, North Devon for a 4 day residential. All the pupils had a fantastic time and took part in a wide variety of activities despite not having the best weather!  

Some of the outdoor educational experiences included beach team games, Canadian canoeing, archery, fencing and team building games. They also had the opportunity to conduct a geography field visit to Heddon’s Mouth on Exmoor. Once they had arrived, they walked along the River Heddon to its mouth observing river features they had learnt about in their Geography Spring term topic on ‘Rivers’. They also read the OS Map to track the progress of their walk. They enjoyed lunch on the beach and then later completed a river survey to measure the width, depth and flow of the river as well as kick sampling to find out which invertebrates lived in the river. 

The children enjoyed staying at Georgeham House, especially the outdoor provision in free time which included the zip wire, boulder wall and other things to play with. The staff were really helpful and instructed the activities brilliantly, the rooms were comfortable and the food was all homemade, fresh, healthy and really tasty!

It was a really memorable experience for all the Year 4s who went and many excelled by pushing themselves outside their comfort zones. They also learnt to become more independent too (including helping to set up and clear the dining room and wash up and put away the crockery!)

