Year 5 Germany Residential

In March 2024, some of our Year 5 children visited their pen pals at Evangelische Grundschule Babelsberg in Potsdam, Berlin, Germany. They spent time in school with their pen pals, taking part in lessons and getting to know each other. Bluecoat children did a presentation to our German friends during an assembly.

They were given a guided tour of Babelsberg by the school children, caught the tram into Potsdam and travelled by train to visit Berlin city centre, as well as visiting the Allied Museum.

The school children hosted a games and buffet evening, which was great fun. They also invited our children into their homes for tea, which was an amazing experience!

For some of those on the trip, it was their first time on an aeroplane, their first time abroad, or their first time away from their families. They all had such a great time, and are really looking forward to seeing their pen pals again when they come on their reciprocal visit to England later in the year. 

We are grateful to UK-German Connection for supporting this partnership.
