Letters from the Global South Exhibition

On 30th September, Years 5 and 6 were invited to attend an exhibition called “Letters from the Global South” at Great Torrington School. This was a great opportunity to consider what contributes to climate change and how it affects people around the world, as well as to reflect on changes we can make to help slow down these changes. We looked at posters, photographs and letters written by children in different countries, finding out about their concerns and the changes they are advocating.

What the children had to say:

"I liked looking at the photos and drawings on the posters." - Ella:

"All of the things on the poster are impacting our climate." - Izzy: 

"I learned about which countries have too much or not enough water." - Spencer: 

"You could walk instead of riding in a car if you live closer to school." - Poppy: 
